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In order to complete the student data for the alumni of Teacher Professional Education, State University of Surabaya, it was announced to all PPG & PLPG alumni and declared graduates at the following levels: 1. Integrated PPG (PDDIKTI)2. Subsidized P
We inform all students of Teacher Profession Education batch 4 in 2021 and the previous year's batch who have been declared to have PASSED UKMPPG period 62021 (retaker 2) and period 82021 (class 4), please download the Graduation Certificate (SKL), S
We inform all students of Teacher Profession Education at the State University of Suraabaya who have passed UKMPPG for period 3 2021 (retaker 1) and period 6 (retaker 2) to accelerate the delivery of Educator Certificates, please immediately fill in
be informed to all PPG students in the position of the State University of Surabaya 2021 (stages 1, 2, 3 and 4) and the previous year (2020, 2019, 2018) which has been declared Pass UKMPPG Periods 6 (retaker) and 8, to immediately revise biodata,