Latest News, Surabaya-Lembaga Learning and Professional Development, State University of Surabaya (LP3 UNESA) was again trusted by the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel organizing PPG in Phase I position in 2021. Following up In tha
It was announced to all PPG Prajab Unesa alumni in 2018 or the previous year who felt that the data could not be seen in PDDIKTI, we would like to say that this happened because there was a student / alumni data component that was not yet valid. For
The Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) in Position is one of the policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture, to complete and complete teacher certification in office, as mandated in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lectu, Surabaya - The Final Report Preparation Activity for the Implementation of the 2020 PPG Officially closed, Sunday (13/12). The closing of the activity which had been going on for 4 days was attended by university, faculty and LP3M leader